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We're quite the bloggers

Gillray in Grub Street

On 22 May 2019 I shall be giving a seminar paper at the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art in Bedford Square London on 'Gillray in Grub Street: some episodes from the 1780s'. All welcome.

The Hundred Days

From 17-24 June, along with Ashley Truluck, I shall be guiding an expanded Waterloo tour that now takes in Paris along with Napoleon's palaces of Malmaison and Fontainebleau before picking up the Waterloo campaign from the point where Napoleon invaded the Netherlands. It should be

The Peninsular War in Southern Spain

From 30 April to 6 May 2019 I shall be back in Andalusia guiding a tour for The Cultural Experience that centres on Cadiz, describing the complex relationship between Britain and Spain during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and taking in the battles of