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Bunbury at Bury

Thanks to all who helped set up and attended what for me was a most enjoyable discussion of the work of Henry William Bunbury at Moyse's Hall in Bury St Edmunds. I thoroughly recommend the little exhibition on this likable local and international figure that

House of Lords Gillray Collection

I have just completed a checklist of the eleven volumes of prints by Gillray (and a few other artists) in the House of Lords. The collection was given to the House by the important Victorian collector Sir William Augustus Fraser (1826-1898). The prints were compiled

Images du Grand Siècle, l’estampe française au temps de Louis XIV, study day at the bibliothèque nationale

I am looking forward to Thursday's study day in Paris where I shall be talking about French prints in England around 1700 - an interest inspired by the collection of George Clarke at Worcester College Oxford http://prints.worc.ox.ac.uk   For the exhibition and study day see http://www.bnf.fr/fr/evenements_et_culture/expositions/f.images_grand_siecle.html

Warwick in Venice Visual Print Culture conference

Just back from a highly enjoyable weekend in Venice for Warwick University's Visual Print Culture conference. It was a great pleasure to meet new scholars with an interest in prints as well as old friends. Many thanks to Mark Philp, Mark Knights, Kate Astbury and

Newsnight 17 June 2015

I very much enjoyed my live appearance on Newsnight to discuss the Battle of Waterloo on the eve of the anniversary. I had just done a four-hour presentation on the battle for Inscape and was leaving for Waterloo at 6am the following morning but the