
Gillray in Bath

To book for this event on 16 May go to

Family Business

On 14 November I shall be speaking at the annual History of the book Trade Conference at Stationers' Hall on the history of the various businesses of the Humphrey family 1757-1835.  

Chinese edition of Waterloo

Waterloo is now available in a Chinese edition with a fully revised and corrected text thanks to its excellent translator, Frank Gao. This book can be bought from: JingDong (京东): Dangdang (当当): Tmall (天猫):

This Dark Business

On Wednesday 27 November 2019 I'll be talking about some aspect of 'This Dark Business' - yet to be arranged - at the Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society . Haven't been back to Newcastle for years and really looking forward to it!

The Boulogne Spy Ring

On Friday 26 July 2019 I'll be giving a lunchtime lecture at the National Army Museum on the Boulogne spy Ring in 1803.